Pitstop Interlock

Pitstop Interlock of Colorado (719) 358-5295

Pitstop Interlock Locations

Interlock Colorado Springs

Pitstop Interlock of Colorado LLC is a trusted ignition interlock provider within the nationwide Smart Start Inc. network. As a part of this network, you can easily access any authorized Smart Start provider across the U.S. With four convenient locations in Colorado Springs, choosing us for your installation and service needs is a clear choice.

Pitstop Interlock of Colorado


If you’re searching for reliable ignition interlock services in Colorado Springs, Pitstop Interlock of Colorado LLC offers convenient locations across the city to meet your needs.

South Colorado Springs
2760 Janitell Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Open Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with a lunch break from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

Central Colorado Springs
3825 N. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, this central location ensures easy access for residents throughout the city.

North Colorado Springs
620 Elkton Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Open Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, providing a convenient option for those in the northern part of Colorado Springs.

East Colorado Springs
2283 Waynoka Road, Unit D, Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with a lunch break from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, serving the eastern neighborhoods of Colorado Springs.

For assistance or to schedule an appointment, call us at (719) 358-2595 or email us at ContactUs@pitstopinterlock.com. Whether you’re in the south, central, north, or east part of the city, our conveniently located service centers make it easy to get the ignition interlock services you need in Colorado Springs.

colorado springs interlock locations near me

(719) 358-2595