Ignition Interlock Overview for Colorado Drivers
Understanding the steps and requirements is crucial if you have been arrested for a DUI or Per Se conviction. This is the process of regaining your driving privileges. In this “The Ignition Interlock Process” blog, we will walk you through the process. We’ll cover eligibility criteria, consequences of non-compliance, and how to obtain a restricted license. You can navigate the process smoothly by following these steps and staying compliant with the ignition interlock program.
Eligibility for Ignition Interlock Device
Colorado drivers arrested for a first Per Se or DUI conviction before January 1, 2023, must have an ignition interlock device installed. The eligibility for early reinstatement with an ignition interlock device depends on the driver’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level and the designation as a Persistent Drunk Driver (PDD).
If arrested on or after January 1, 2023, you may be eligible for early reinstatement on the first day the revocation action goes active. However, if you refuse to submit to a chemical test, you will automatically be subject to a 2-year interlock requirement.
For repeat offenders, there is a mandatory 2-year interlock requirement. The specific requirements for early reinstatement and interlock duration may vary depending on the circumstances of your DUI conviction.
Consequences of Non-Compliance and Enforcement
Failure to comply with the requirements of the ignition interlock program in Colorado can have serious consequences for drivers. Non-compliance includes attempting to drive a vehicle without an interlock device or circumventing the device.
If a driver is found to be non-compliant, they may face a license revocation of at least one year. This means their driving privileges will be suspended significantly, impacting their ability to commute, run errands, or carry out daily activities.
To ensure program compliance, drivers must adhere to the necessary regulations. One crucial requirement is the regular servicing of the interlock device. Drivers must report for servicing every sixty days to ensure the device’s proper functioning. Failure to do so can result in a license suspension until compliance is achieved.
Additionally, drivers need to be aware that repeated alcohol detection in their system within twelve months can lead to an extension of the interlock requirement. For every set of three fails detected by the device, an additional year may be added to the interlock requirement.
Colorado drivers must understand the severity of non-compliance and the potential consequences they may face. By strictly adhering to the interlock program requirements and taking necessary precautions, drivers can avoid license revocation and ensure a smoother path to regaining their full driving privileges.
How to Get a Restricted License in Colorado
For Colorado drivers who have lost their driving privileges due to a DUI offense, obtaining a restricted license is a crucial step toward regaining some driving privileges. To qualify for a restricted license, you will need to follow a few essential steps:
- Install an ignition interlock device: One of the requirements for obtaining a restricted license is installing an approved ignition interlock device. This device acts as a breathalyzer that prevents your vehicle from starting if it detects alcohol on your breath.
- Pay all fines: It is essential to clear any outstanding fines related to your DUI offense. Make sure to complete the payment process and obtain proof of payment.
- Complete jail time or community service: Depending on the specifics of your case, you may be required to complete a certain period of jail time or community service. Adhering to these requirements is necessary for regaining your driving privileges.
- Complete any necessary treatment programs: In some instances, repeat offenders may be required to undergo treatment programs for alcohol abuse. These programs aim to address any underlying issues and reduce the risk of future offenses.
You can obtain a restricted license once you have fulfilled these requirements. It is essential to consult with your local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) or a legal professional to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria. Remember, a restricted license allows you to drive to essential appointments, such as work, school, and treatment, but it is important to comply fully with the restrictions and guidelines imposed.
Following the steps outlined above and demonstrating your commitment to responsible driving, you can regain your driving privileges and move forward with a renewed focus on safety and adherence to the law.
Navigating the Ignition Interlock Process Conclusion
The ignition interlock process in Colorado is an essential step for drivers who have committed alcohol-related driving offenses. By following the proper steps and demonstrating compliance with the interlock program, Colorado drivers can regain their driving privileges and ensure their safety on the road.
Furthermore, obtaining a restricted license and installing an approved ignition interlock device is key to regaining driving privileges. By meeting these requirements, drivers can have partial driving privileges to attend important appointments, including work, school, and treatment.
Key Takeaways:
- The ignition interlock program in Colorado underwent significant changes with new legislation in 2014.
- Colorado drivers may be designated as Persistent Drunk Drivers (PDD) with a lower Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) threshold.
- Refusing a chemical test at a traffic stop can result in a PDD designation.
- Early reinstatement with an interlock device is now possible for drivers who refused a test before 2014.
- Eligibility for an ignition interlock device depends on the date of arrest and specific requirements.
Navigating the Ignition Interlock Process FAQ
What changes were made to the ignition interlock program in Colorado in 2014?
The changes implemented in 2014 include a reduction in the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) threshold for Persistent Drunk Drivers (PDD) from 0.17 to 0.15, making it easier to be designated as a PDD. Additionally, refusing a chemical test at a traffic stop now results in a PDD designation. Drivers who refused a test before January 1, 2014, may now be eligible for early reinstatement using an ignition interlock device. The wait time for early reinstatement with interlock has been reduced for drivers with multiple alcohol violations or refusals.
Who is required to have an ignition interlock device in Colorado?
Colorado drivers arrested for a first Per Se or DUI conviction before January 1, 2023, must have an ignition interlock device. The specific requirements for early reinstatement vary depending on the BAC level and whether the driver is designated as a PDD. Drivers arrested on or after January 1, 2023, may be eligible for early reinstatement on the first day the revocation action goes active. Refusing to submit to chemical testing also results in an automatic 2-year interlock requirement. Repeat offenders face a 2-year interlock requirement.
What are the consequences of non-compliance with the interlock program in Colorado?
Any driver who fails to comply with the requirements of the interlock program, such as attempting to drive a non-equipped vehicle or circumventing the device, may face a license revocation of at least one year.